Sunday, May 29, 2011

Week 4 Comment 2 to Jennifer Castro

Jennifer Castro’s post:
I can’t wait to have some time…someday…to read this book again, slowly and digest all the wonderful thoughts it shares. The part this week that I really thought about was the last chapter and the WE story. Zander talks about what is best for ALL. I began thinking how this never happens anymore. The government says they do what is best for the country, but really, they do what is best for their pockets. State officials say they try to protect education, but even as I type are laying of thousands and thousands of educators due to money…we have to take pay cuts each year for 5 years, but not any superintended or state official…no, no, no, that would not be good for them. Why can’t American’s lose the evil greed monster and do what is truly best for out country, state and what is best for our children. We spread around the world trying to make the rest of the world just like us, but why? I don’t blame other countries for laughing at us and saying no way. Look how our county is in shambles due to greed. Really, why can’t WE ALL do what is best for ALL?

I think since we need to 'be the board', we have to remember that we chose to be educators, knowing that educators have never really been valued by our politicians. AND that we, as a society, voted these politicians into office. Whenever I get upset about the state of education in our nation (and that happens ALOT lately), I pull out my Sunshine Folder. This folder has all of those sweet notes from my students that tell me all of their thoughts about what a great teacher I am or how much they like my class. Some of them draw cute little pictures and some of them put their most treasured stickers all over the page. That's what being the board is all about: creating the framework where I can be proud of the difference I make in my students' lives.

Comment to Jennifer Castro:
I completely agree with you.  As teachers, we knew what we were getting ourselves into before we decided on this career.  It is hard, however, to always be positive about what is going on with the government and administration.  I think this book would be a great read for an entire staff/school district.  It might change the way a few people think about things and make everyone's environment a little better. 

Week 4 Comment 1 to Sue Calland

Sue’s post:
Don’t hold back & participate wholly!
The chapter that definitely meant the most to me was chapter 9.  I have noticed many times that the students in my 7th & 8th grade classes who are totally uninterested in school and completely uninspired, will give me full effort when I am my nuttiest!  They may look at me and roll their eyes, but every time I am passionate about what I do and really into it, they are definitely paying more attention than when I am just giving notes or lecturing.  It is so awesome to see that student that really doesn’t give a hoot about being in my class, study for a quiz or look at me and say, “Hey I get it!”  The crazier I am, the more I can generate a spark from them.  To get my students to remember waxing and waning moon phases, I do my Karate Kid, Mr. Miagi, stance with my karate move.  I may look like a goof, but they remember the moon phases!  I was at an awards assembly at the high school and a former student caught my eye when the speaker talked about “wax on, wax off”.  Across the gym she mouthed to me, “was on, wane off” with a big smile on her face.  She was in my class three years ago.  Those are the time that I know that if I don’t hold back, they understand and remember so much more.   They are also more willing to take a risk since I do.  

Comment to Sue:
I think it is awesome that you aren't afraid to act goofy in front of your students.  I think some teachers get too caught up in requirements and objectives that they forget to HAVE FUN!  The students definitely appreciate it and enjoy learning more when we have fun. 
This book has been really good to read and shown me how to think more positively about every situation.  I hope that I can remember all of it and use it next year in my classroom!

Week 4 Reading

“Being the board” is a very different way of viewing things.  It is hard to imagine taking responsibility for things that we feel are not in our control, such as the car crash or flood described in the book.  However, I think that by viewing things as if they were always a possibility and that we were aware of that possibility will greatly change the way the world is perceived. 
Framing the possibilities is, again, a different way of looking at things.  To be constantly aware of the “downward spiral” and choosing to think of the possibilities in every situation is not the way that people are used to thinking.  I think that if we start viewing the world in a more positive way and thinking about the possibilities that are out there, that everyone would be much happier and fulfilled with their life.
Overall, this book has been wonderful.  I have learned a lot about myself from reading it and have learned how to look more positively at things. 

Week 4 Publishing/Leadership Project

The conferences I am looking at submitting my presentation to are The Science of Success:Learning & the Brain in Chicago or the Memory & Mind: Learning & the Brain conference in New York City.  I chose these conferences because they focus on the way the brain works and ways to help student performance.  I think that my AR project would fit well into the topic of the conference since it is focused on increasing student achievement.  

Think Out Loud Post 1

Think Out Loud Post 2

Publishing/Leadership Project